Fair-Go Discount Option

Are you giving your own time free to help new migrants and refugees improve their English? If you are, we are with you every step of the way! Our Fair-Go discount is available for those who speak English as their second language. It is ClearSpeak’s way of caring for the less advantaged in our community.

You may qualify to become a Fair-Go Facilitator if you are running English conversation sessions with an accredited charitable agency or Not-for-profit organisation. Interested organisations should contact ClearSpeak to seek registration as an approved provider.

Who is it for?

Our discounted pronunciation courses are for those who speak English as their second language and whom you assess to be financially disadvantaged.

The typical candidate will be an adult (over 14 years of age) who may be experiencing difficulty in finding work suitable for their skill level; or struggling to integrate with local English speakers in their community. They may be:

  • Recent migrants and refugees or aspiring migrants
  • Long term unemployed migrants or refugees
  • Scholars with educational potential whose migrant parents or guardians are financially disadvantaged
  • Non-working migrants who are socially isolated and seek to participate in English speaking society

An organisation is entrusted to offer the Fair-Go discount only to those who meet the above criteria. They are welcome to direct others to enrol as regular Time-Online students. Fair-Go is available internationally and may be administered by any charitable Not-for-profit organisation that is registered by their country’s government as non-tax paying.

What students need

  • A strong desire to improve their English speech clarity
  • Endorsement by a Not-for-profit or other approved charitable organisation
  • Ability to access an audio device regularly that links to the Internet
  • English language competence to the level of reading a popular magazine
  • Frequent opportunity to apply what they learn by talking in English

What they get

Fair-Go students and Facilitators receive the same training courses and materials as regular Time-Online students. Read about the courses and view How a course works. Access to all course materials is for 6 months.

All online instruction is in English. It is ideal if students can follow this without assistance but those with lesser English skill can still benefit with the help of their Facilitator.

How the courses are managed

Once approved, the organisation appoints an Organiser to supervise their Time-Online Program. If it is large, a number of Organisers may be registered to manage in different locations.

Each Organiser appoints one or more Facilitators to create classes and guide students with their study.

The organisation selects students to make up each class. A group of five or less is recommended but a maximum of 15 students may be enrolled. One Facilitator may run several classes at any time.

Facilitators can be trained speech or language trainers, but this background is not required. They may be English speakers who volunteer their time to assist disadvantaged speakers with English conversation skills.

How Facilitators work with students

A Facilitator’s role is to manage all class activities and guide the pace of their students’ learning. A Facilitator Handbook gives them full instructions.

They arrange regular meetings of all members either in real time or virtually. Their aim is to oversee discussion and encourage mutual learning and enrich students’ learning experience.

Students learn all they need to know by working at home with their Time-Online study materials.
Group meetings allow them to share their knowledge and experience as well as practise what they are learning.

Payment for courses

Organisers pay a once only fee for each Facilitator at the time they register on the Time-Online website. This gives them a Facilitator Pack of materials.

Unlike regular Facilitators, who must pay a Student Sign-up Fee for each student they enrol, no such fee applies to Fair-Go students. Regular students pay their own course fee. With Fair-Go, the organisation pays course fees (a nominal amount) on behalf of their students. They do so through their own dashboard on the system.

Annual review

An organisation must renew their registration and that of their Organisers and Facilitators every 12 months. There is no fee for renewal.

A note for students

The Fair-Go option is only available through a registered charitable organisation and not direct from the ClearSpeak website.

Making it happen

Don’t worry if this seems a lot to grasp all at once! After sign-up, Time-Online tells you the steps that lie ahead and guides you all the way. It’s a simple case of following the prompts.

How an organisation can apply

Send a request at Contact Us . Use the subject Apply as a Fair-Go organisation.

ClearSpeak reserves the right to approve or decline any request without further recourse or explanation.

See all Terms and Conditions before submitting your application.