Time-Online is perfect for speech and language trainers as well as non-expert helpers who facilitate others to improve their English.
The program is designed to be used by those with different levels
of expertise. The Facilitator Handbook tells you all you need to know.
As Facilitator, you are given a dashboard on the system. You invite students to join a class and you manage their study Plan from there. You select the sounds for their Plan using one of three methods: the Typical Error List for their language/concern, the Screening Test or make a random selection. You direct their activities at every step. Time-Online provides them with a Student Workbook along with learning tools and exercises.
Your Handbook has everything from how to put a group together to a schedule of what to do and when to do it. View the journey your students take at How a Course Works. Your role will be to guide them to complete each Task in their course. They do their study at home and meet up with you to practise their new skills and share tips that have helped them to learn.
Facilitators pay a once-only fee on registration. This gives you the Facilitator Handbook and ongoing access to Time-Online from your own dashboard. You may renew your registration annually at no cost.
A small Student Sign-up Fee is payable for each student who registers for a course. Importantly, your students pay their own course fee. This means there is no financial loss to you if they do not go ahead and register or complete a course.
Every step is conducted online and managed via your dashboard. Setting up a class is both quick and easy.
Are you volunteering help for others? If so, you may be able to provide courses for your students for a nominal fee. These courses are available through a Not-for-profit organisation for disadvantaged migrants and refugees. LEARN MORE